Rental Property: Learn How to Successfully Market a Rental
Back in the day yard signs were the best way to find new tenants,
We all know that the rental property market is incredibly competitive, so you have go the extra mile to really stand out. Thoroughly clean the place and if any repairs are needed hire a professional to do the repairs. Once done with that your property will be ready to be photographed, remember that the images that you will post are the first impression that a possible tenant will have of your property, so you want to take good quality images in order to awake the persons interest and desire to visit the property, you might even consider hiring a professional photographer. Marketing your rental is just the beginning of a long process for renting your property.
Now if you find that marketing your own rental is a hassle and you don’t want to do it, feel to contact us. Our property management packages include a marketing strategy that brings maximum exposure to your property in the market. Increased exposure will give you the greatest number of potential tenants, which will result in saving you time and money. At Crown Key Realty Inc & Property Management, we have a wide variety of marketing strategies to rent your property. Some of the tools that we use for our marketing strategy are listing your property in our site and over 100 other sites, like Zillow, Trulia and many more and add a marketing description. We also take professional quality photographs and marketing videos. Properties with professional photographs move up to 40% faster than those marketed with amateur or bad photos. Our position in the community is a huge advantage because we have a constant flow of prospects looking for properties that call our office and come to us. This